Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Idioms Related to Goals - English Lesson via Skype

English Idioms Related to Goals - English Lesson via Skype Today were going to look at common English idioms related to goals and to achieving goals.A new year is a great time to set out your goals for the future whether they are  personal or business orientated (connected to).It is important when setting goals to follow  some basic guidelines:you want to ensure that your goals are achievable (do not make them  too hard or too easy),you want to be able to measure them (need to have some way to  determine if you are successful or not) andyou should commit your goals to paper (write  them down) and place them somewhere you will see them everyday (on your fridge or your  desk) and finally review them regularly so there are no surprises (check your progress, do  you need to do something differently). Enjoyed this infographic? HereĆ¢€™s what you can do next: 10 English Idioms Related to Goals Before you start off on your goals we need to look at the preparation.1. BUCKLE DOWNWe use this to tell ourselves it is time to get to work and start your project.Example: Come on, its time to buckle down to these goals and get started.2. EXPLORE ALL AVENUESBefore you start it is a good idea to do your research and understand clearly what your goals are.Example: I really explored all avenues open to me and eventually decided that this was the best option.3. LAY THE FOUNDATIONSIf you wish to be successful at anything it is really important to prepare and get everything ready.It is like building a house. You would never build a house unless you prepare the ground first and dig your foundations.So before attempting any goal  make sure you lay the foundations, do your preparation and the goal should be achieved  more easily.4. HAVE A BEE IN YOUR BONNETto be obsessed by an idea, to be constantly occupied with thoughtsExample: Peter has a bee in his bonnet about healthy eating.5. DIG YOUR HEELS INto refuse to do something or change your mind about somethingExample: She dug her heels in and said she wouldnt speak with me anymore.7. GET YOU TEETH INTO SOMETHINGto put a lot of effort into somethingExample: She really got her teeth into the writing. English Idioms related to Goals - Infographic When you have finished your project and you can review whether you have succeeded or not  and whether you are satisfied with the results.If you are satisfied, you can use the following idioms for achieving goals:7. BEYOND MY WILDEST DREAMSIf you have really over achieved you will be absolutely  delighted and excited with your results.Example: I lost so much weight this time I am really happy it is beyond my wildest dreams!8. GO THE EXTRA MILEto put more work or effort than is expected of youExample: Sarah went the extra mile to achieve academic success last year.9. BLOOD, SWEAT and TEARSWhen you dedicated a lot of time and effort and energy into your project you can take even greater pleasure from any success.Example: I worked so hard at my goals, I gave it everything (I did as much as I could). I gave blood sweat and tears for this (I was 100% committed).10. AT ALL COSTSWhen you were determined to succeed no matter what it took you can say I did  it (or I was prepared to do it) at a ll costs.Example: When I set out on this project I was determined that nothing would get in my way. No matter how long I had to spend or how hard I had to work I was determined to succeed. I did it at all costs. Sometimes (occasionally) we are not as successful as we had hoped. In these situations we  can say we came up short or fell short of our desired goal. It is not a total failure but just  under the target we set out. From time to time the reason for our lack of success may be due  to someone else.For example, if in a work environment you are trying to achieve your sales  target but you miss out (fail) because your boss increased the targets half way through the  sales period then we can say:I missed my target because someone moved the goal posts! (the boss increased your target).If the reason why we did not succeed is due to our own  mistake then we might be accused of scoring an own goal! (we caused the mistake ourselves).ex. If you have a big sales target to achieve in the month and half way through the month you  take a few days holiday then you might be guilty of scoring an own goal! (literally an own  goal is a football expression which means you put (kicked) the ball in to your own goal by  accident and gave the advantage to the other team).Hope youve enjoyed this post. As always, I would appreciate if you could share these English Idioms related to Goals with your friends. Lets speak better English!

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